Feabhas's major focus is on the fast growing market segments in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries. Our candidates qualification process carefully identifies and evaluates skilled professionals in the specific areas of the clinical research market including pre-clinical, phase I-IV clinical trials and post marketing.
We provide the following professionals:
- Clinical Research Associates
- Clinical Project Managers
- Clinical Data Managers
- Medical Writers
- Safety Review Nurses
- Biostaticians
- SAS Programmers
- Oracle Clinical Developers
- Regulatory Affairs Auditors

Feabhas services the ever changing telecommunications industry. Our candidate qualification process carefully identifies skilled professionals for the wireless, long distance carries, and equipment manufactures business industries:
We provide the following professionals:
- Project Managers
- Field Service Engineers/Testers/Transmissions Engineers
- Deployment Engineers
- Installers
- Site Supervisors
- Quality Assurance Engineering
- RF Engineering